RET Teaching Module 11: Paint Thin Films

Authored by:

Steven Pavlakis
Urbana High School
Urbana, Illinois

Year in Program:


Designed For:

High School Students


After completing this module, student should be able to: determine a relationship between the thickness of a film and one other variable of their choice, and will be using geometric concepts to determine the thickness of a film. Students will be spinning a known volume of paint onto a substrate, which will be a type of paper product. They will then approximate the film as a regular polygonal prism, and approximate the base area with a regular polygon. Then, using the formula V = B x h, assuming the film is uniform, they can determine the thickness, or height, of the film. Students will do this for three different independent variables, including but not limited to: spin speed, spin time, paint type, paint color, substrate type.

After completing this module, student should be able to:

  • Use volume formulas for cylinders, pyramids, cones, and spheres to solve problems
  • Use geometric shapes, their measures, and their properties to describe objects (e.g., modeling a tree trunk or a human torso as a cylinder)

>> Want to learn more? Review all of the materials by downloading the zip file for this module

Included in this Module:

  • Teacher Guide
  • Module Lessons
    • Module Supporting Documents
    • Module Student Guide
    • Talking points (ppt)
  • Demonstration Video

Samples of the materials

>> Download the zip file with all content for this module