RET Teaching Module 24: The Creation, Use, and Cytotoxicity of Gold Nanoparticles

Authored by:

J.D. Graham
Sullivan High School

Year in Program:


Designed For:

HS Students


Gold nanoparticles, Au-NPs, have recently generated interest for their use in medicine and cellular biology due to their unique physical and chemical properties. In this lab the students will learn how Au-NPs are made and used. Students will then test the cytotoxic effects Au-NPs have on bacteria as compared to other common antimicrobial agents. Post analysis may include graph interpretation, hypothesizing the mechanism of the antimicrobial activity and the Au-NPs possible roles and/or dangers in using them in the future.

After completing this module, student should be able to:

  • Analyze results of the activity & relate the results to how it could potentially harm an ecosystem.
  • Draw conclusions about the best way to mitigate the impact of nanoparticles on the environment.
  • Be able to recommend the best concentrations of AU-NPs in medicine for antimicrobial uses.

>> Want to learn more? Review all of the materials by downloading the zip file for this module

Included in this Module:

  • Student Worksheet
  • Teacher Guide and Key
  • Materials List for Lab
  • AUNP's and Cytotoxicity PowerPoint Presentation

Samples of the materials

>> Download the zip file with all content for this module