RET Teaching Module 7: Photonics and LEDs - Lithography Simulation as a Gateway to Nanotechnology

Authored by:

Geoff Freymuth
Jefferson Middle School

Year in Program:


Designed For:

Middle School Students


To understand and apply the theory behind basic electronics. Students are challenged to engineer and manufacture a light-emitting diode (LED) simple circuit using basic photolithography simulations. The processes for the manufacturing of LED’s has been widely accepted and commercialized with many everyday uses of LEDs. As LEDs become common place there is a need to further expand their use and also increase their efficiency. One of the basic processes involved in part of the making of an LED is photolithography. This process can be simulated on a larger scale to mimic a portion of the process in a middle school classroom. This unit will also consist of a multimedia project where students’ present ideas to highlight the importance of light and optical technologies in our lives and for the development of society.

After completing this module, student should be able to:

  • Understand and apply concepts of electrical circuits, current electricity, battery, conductivity, switch, circuit symbols, LED light.
  • Be able to understand and apply engineering design process
  • Develop manufacturing skills: innovation, design, build, test
  • Help students to understand that technology is closely linked to creativity, which has resulted in innovation.4
  • Understand the basic fabrication techniques of photolithography in the manufacturing of integrated circuits and LEDs
  • Understand the importance of light and optical technologies in our lives and for the development of society

>> Want to learn more? Review all of the materials by downloading the zip file for this module

Included in this Module:

  • Teacher Guide
  • Module Lessons (multi-step lesson in Teacher Guide and supplemental materials)
    • Lithography
  • Instructional videos

Samples of the materials

>> Download the zip file with all content for this module